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  • Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Wandering albatrosses

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Wandering albatrosses are threatened with extinction and climate change could put their nesting sites at risk.

About Wandering albatrosses:

  • It is the world’s largest flying bird, with a wingspan reaching an incredible 3.5 metres.
  • These birds are oceanic nomads: they spend most of their 60 years of life at sea and only come to land to breed.
  • These are found almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • Their playground is the vast Southern Ocean— the region between the latitude of 60 degrees south and the continent of Antarctica.
  • Marion Island and Prince Edward Island together support about half of the entire world’s wandering albatross breeding population.
  • Habitat: They breed on several subantarctic islands, which are characterised by peat soils, tussock grass, sedges, mosses, and shrubs.
  • Conservation status
    • IUCN: Vulnerable
  • Threats: The most likely cause is longline fishing, as they become hooked and will drown, as well as the ingestion of plastics, which kills both chicks and adults.

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