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Toto Language


Feb 5, 2023
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Dhaniram, a Toto (Dengka) language preserver is a recipient of Padma Shri award in the field of Literature & Education.

  • The Toto is a primitive and isolated tribal group of population of only 1,632 people.
  • They are residing only in a small enclave called Toto Para in Alipurduar district in West Bengal.
  •  Toto Para is located at the foot of the Himalayas just to the south of the borderline between Bhutan and West Bengal (on the western bank of Torsa River).
  • They speak the eponymous language called Toto language.
  • Toto language belongs to Tibeto-Burman family of sub-Himalayan group, as classified by Hodgson and Grierson.
  • The Toto language does not have their own script.
  • Dhaniram has created the Toto language script and Toto alphabet, for which he received ‘Padma Shri’.
  • At present, poems and novels are written in Toto.

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