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The Hindu Vocabulary – 3rd Feb 2023


Feb 3, 2023
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Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |03.02.2023

1. PLURALITY (NOUN): (अधिकता): multiplicity 
Synonyms: majority, majority 
Antonyms: minority, the smaller number or part 
Example Sentence: Some languages add an extra syllable to mark plurality. 

Synonyms: bigoted, partisan 
Antonyms: impartial, unbiased
Example Sentence: Child experts fear the Executive’s plans may prove counterproductive. 

3. BAROQUE (ADJECTIVE): (सजावटी): decorative
Synonyms: embellished, ornamented 
Antonyms: plain, undecorated 
Example Sentence: She had kept a baroque vase in her living room. 

4. AMICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (सुशील): friendly
Synonyms: amiable, cozy
Antonyms: rude, hostile
Example Sentence: He is an amicable person altogether. 

5. ALTERCATION (NOUN): (विवाद): wordy quarrel
Synonyms: argument, combat 
Antonyms: agreement, peace 
Example Sentence:Two neighbours were involved in the altercation. 

6. AIL (VERB): (सताना): hurt
Synonyms: afflict, annoy 
Antonyms: help, soothe 
Example Sentence: He was ailed by my remark. 

7. DAPPLED (ADJECTIVE): (चितकबरा): checkered
Synonyms: flecked, motley 
Antonyms: unflecked, uncoloured
Example Sentence: She was wearing a dappled coat. 

8. ADVERT (VERB): (ध्यान देना): address
Synonyms: attend, consider 
Antonyms: disregard, ignore
Example Sentence: One should advert the opinion of elders. 

9. ASPERSION (NOUN): (कलंक): verbal exhibition of bad temper
Synonyms: abuse, detraction 
Antonyms: adulation, calmness
Example Sentence: One should avoid aspersion. 

10. SPURT (NOUN): (हलचल): commotion
Synonyms: eruption, explosion
Antonyms: peace, continuity
Example Sentence: She was distracted by a commotion across the street.

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