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RuPay Card


Jun 9, 2023 #Economy
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Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in a bid to broaden the scope of RuPay cards has decided to permit banks to issue RuPay Prepaid forex cards to customers and to issue such cards abroad.

About RuPay card:

  • It is an Indian domestic card scheme conceived and launched by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
  • Its mission is to fulfil the Reserve Bank of India’s vision of having a domestic, open-loop and multilateral system of payments in India.
  • It works to enable electronic payment at all Indian banks and financial institutions.
  • Benefits of RuPay Card
    • Lower cost and affordability: Since the transaction processing will happen domestically, it would lead to a lower cost of clearing and settlement for each transaction. This will make the transaction cost affordable and will drive the usage of cards in the industry.
    • Customized product offering: RuPay, being a domestic scheme is committed towards the development of customized product and service offerings for Indian consumers.
    • Protection of information related to Indian consumers: Transaction and customer data related to RuPay card transactions will reside in India.

Key facts about NPCI

  • It is an umbrella organisation launched in 2008 by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) under the provisions of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007.
  • It is owned by a consortium of banks, is aimed at creating robust payments and settlement systems.

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