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  • Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

New kangaroo lizard species

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Recently, scientists have discovered a new kangaroo lizard species from the Western Ghats.

About New kangaroo lizard species:

  • Researchers named the new, scaly reptiles after the Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered of Existence (EDGE) program through the Zoological Society of London.
  • The new species Agasthyagama edgeor the northern kangaroo lizard belongs to the Agamidae family.
  • A group of scientists discovered the new species from the southern Western Ghats at Kulamavu in Idukki.
  • The species is the second one of the Agasthyagama genus after A. beddomii or Indian kangaroo lizard that has been previously reported from Sivagiri hills in Tamil Nadu.
  • Features
  • A reduced fifth toe makes these reptiles poor climbers and hence do not climb trees like other lizards.
  • Instead, they are mostly terrestrial and found in areas with dense leaf litter cover.
  • They feed on small insects, this variety of kangaroo lizard runs fast and hides within dry leaves to evade predators.
  • It is known to have a maximum snout-vent length of 4.3 cm.

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