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Jan 23, 2023
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Question 1. How is the sky filled with after sunset and in the night?

Question 2. What is the name given to the full moon night?

Question 3. Which of the following name is given to the new moon?

Question 4. What are celestial bodies?

Question 5. The celestial bodies which have their own heat and light are called

Question 6. Which is the most recognisable constellation?

Question 7. The star which indicates the north is called

Question 8. The celestial bodies which do not have their own heat and light but are lit by the light of the stars are named as

Question 9. The word ‘planet’ has been derived from the word ‘planetai’ which is named as

Question 10. Which celestial bodies form the solar system?

Question 11. All the planets move around the sun in fixed elliptical path, these paths are called

Question 12. Why is the shape of the earth geoid?

Question 13. The earth is called a unique planet due to

Question 14. The earth is called a blue planet because of the presence of

Question 15. Why do we see only one side of the moon from the earth?

Question 16. Why does the moon not have conditions favourable for life?

Question 17. Apart from stars, planets and satellites, there are numerous bodies which also move around the sun, what are these called?

Question 18. Asteroids are found between the orbits of Jupiter and

Question 19. Meteoroids are made up of

Question 20. What is called a cluster of millions of stars, shining white in the starry sky?

Question 21. What makes the universe?

Question 22. What is a globe?

Question 23. Which of the following are shown on the globe in their true size?

Question 24. What is called a needle fixed through the globe in a tilted manner?

Question 25. What divides the earth into two equal parts? The northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere?

Question 26. Name one of the following parallels of latitudes as Tropic of Cancer.

Question 27. Between which parallels of latitudes is the Torrid Zone situated?

Question 28. Which of the following zone is situated between 66°30′ S and poles?

Question 29. Which of the following is called the Prime Meridian?

Question 30. What divides the earth into the eastern and the western hemispheres?

Question 31. In which ocean are Tonga Islands situated?

Question 32. On which parallel of latitude is Mauritius located?

Question 33. Which place is located at the intersection of 26° N and 90° E?

Question 34. What time does earth take, rotating from one degree longitude to next longitude?

Question 35. What is the time difference between the time of Dwarka in Gujarat and time of Dibrugarh in Assam?

Question 36. The local time of 82 30’ E longitude is taken as a standard throughout India. It is known as

Question 37. The time of India is ahead of that of England by

Question 38. Motion of the earth on its axis in about 24 hours is called

Question 39. Motion of the earth around the sun is known as

Question 40. What is orbital plane?

Question 41. Which one of the following is the source of light on the earth?

Question 42. The circle that divides the globe into day and night is called

Question 43. The period of one rotation of the earth is known as

Question 44. What would have happened if the earth did not rotate?

Question 45. A year with 366 days is called

Question 46. Why do seasons change on the earth?

Question 47. When do the longest day and the shortest night occur in the northern hemisphere?

Question 48. In which season Christmas is celebrated in Australia?

Question 49. When do equinoxes occur on the earth?

Question 50. Days and nights occur on earth due to


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