India International Science Festival 2022

The 8th edition of the India International Science Festival (IISF) was recently inaugurated at the Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal.

About India International Science Festival:

  • It is an initiative of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Earth Science of Government of India in association with Vijnana Bharati which is a science movement with Swadeshi spirit led by eminent scientists of the country.
  • It is a festival to celebrate the achievements of India’s scientific and technological advancements with students, innovators, craftsmen, farmers, scientists and technocrats from India and abroad.
  • ISF provides opportunities to people and scientific fraternity in the country and abroad to come together and work together. 

IISF 2022:

  • Location: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
  • It is the eighth edition since its inception in 2015.
  • Theme: ‘Marching towards Amrit Kaal with Science, Technology, and Innovation
  • IISF 2022 is a four day festival and will feature 14 thematic events.