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  • Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Headlines of the Day 02-1-2024

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What to Read in Today Newspaper

PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Mint, AIR

Headline Source Syllabus Key points to know
XPoSat in orbit; to study black holes, neutron stars The Hindu: (Page1)
Indian Express (Page 8)
Space (GSIII) – What is the XPoSat mission?
– Its objectives and significance
Hattees get ST tag The Hindu: (Page3) Polity and Governance (GSII) – Who are Hattees?
– How are Scheduled Tribes declared?
Warli tribe The Hindu: (Page4) Society (GSI) – Who are the Warli tribes?
– Key facts related to them
India-Korea defence cooperation The Hindu: (Page 6) IR (GSII) – What is the strategic importance of South Korea for India?
– What are the key areas of cooperation between the two nations?
Attacks in the Red Sea by the Houthis may hit India’s oil trade The Hindu: (Page 7)
Indian Express (Page 11)
IR (GSII) / Economy (GSIII)  – Why is the Red Sea under attack?
– Its impact for India
India’s 1991 crisis and the RBI Governor’s role The Hindu: (Page 8) Economy (GSIII) – What are the roles and responsibilities of the RBI Governor?
– Role played during India’s 1991 crisis
Financial Intelligence Unit India The Hindu: (Page 8) Economy (GSIII) – What is the Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND)?
– Its workings
Radiocarbon dating  The Hindu: (Page 9) S&T (GSIII) – What is radiocarbon dating? 
– How radiocarbon dating revolutionised science?
Collegium system Indian Express (Page 9) Polity and Governance (GSII) – What is the Collegium system?
– Its significance, criticism and the forward
Govt extends PLI scheme for auto sector by a year  Indian Express (Page 11) Economy (GSIII)  – What is the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme?
– Its objectives 
Operation Prosperity Guardian Indian Express (Page 12) IR (GSII)  – What is the Operation Prosperity Guardian?
– Key facts related to it
Electoral Bonds  Air Governance (GSII) – What are the Electoral Bonds?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
India and Pak. exchange list of nuclear installations The Hindu: (Page 10) IR (GSII) – Why do India-Pakistan exchange lists of nuclear sites?
– Its significance
Case-by-case exemption from new MGNREGS payment system: Centre The Hindu: (Page 11) Polity and Governance (GSII) – What is MGNREGS?
– Its objectives and the Ministry related to it
psychoanalysis  The Hindu: (Page 18) S&T (GSIII) – What is psychoanalysis?
– Its significance
Minimum support price (MSP)  Indian Express (Page 1) Economy (GSIII) – What are Minimum support prices (MSP), and how are they decided?
How the Northeast was ‘invented’? Indian Express (Page 12) Governance (GSII) – What are the North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act and the North-Eastern Council Act?
North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation (NEHHDC) PIB Economy (GSIII) – What is the North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation (NEHHDC)?
– Its objectives
Coal production in country has shot up to over 664 million tonnes  Air Economy (GSIII) – What is the importance of Coal for India?
– Key facts related to it

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