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Current Affairs – 16 March 2024


Mar 16, 2024
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Current Affairs – 16 March 2024

ETHANOL 100 fuel

Recently, the Union Minister for Petroleum & Natural Gas and Housing and Urban Affairs, launched ‘ETHANOL 100’.

About ETHANOL 100 fuel:

  • It has high-octane rating, typically between 100-105. It proves ideal for high-performance engines, ensuring improved efficiency and power output all while minimizing environmental impact.
  • Moreover, ETHANOL 100’s versatility shines through, as it can be used in a wide array of vehicles, including flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) designed to run on gasoline, ethanol or any blend of the two.
  • Its practicality and potential to become a mainstream fuel option with the right infrastructure in place. It includes 93-93.5 percent ethanol blended with 5 percent petrol and 1.5 percent co-solvent, which is a binder. 
  • It stands as a cleaner, greener alternative to gasoline, boasting lower emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants, thus aiding in combating climate change and enhancing air quality in our communities.

What are flex-fuel vehicles?

  • These are designed to run on a variety of fuels. These are equipped with an internal combustion engine (ICE) which can run on petrol or ethanol or methanol, giving consumers choice at the point of sale of the fuel.
  • Apart from a few modifications, flex fuel vehicles are similar to petrol-only cars.


Google DeepMind revealed its latest AI gaming agent called SIMA which can follow natural language instructions to perform tasks across video game environments.

About SIMA:

  • Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent (SIMA) as an AI Agent which can process data and take action themselves. It can be called a generalist AI Agent that is capable of doing different kinds of tasks.
  • Features
    • It is like a virtual buddy who can understand and follow instructions in all sorts of virtual environments
    • It can accomplish tasks or solve challenges assigned to it. It “understands” commands as it has been trained to process human language.
    • One distinct feature of this AI Agent is that it is capable of learning and adapting.
    • SIMA does this through the interactions it has with the user. The more you interact with SIMA, the smarter it gets by learning from its experiences and improves over time. This makes it better at understanding and fulfilling user requests.
  • However, SIMA goes beyond that and can follow instructions in a variety of game This could potentially introduce more helpful AI agents for other environments.
  • These research marks the first time an agent has demonstrated it can understand a broad range of gaming worlds and follow natural-language instructions to carry out tasks within them, as a human might.

Atapaka Bird Sanctuary

In recent times, nature lovers, bird watchers are having an enjoyable time at Atapaka Bird Sanctuary with thousands of migratory birds arriving at Kolleru Lake.

About Atapaka Bird Sanctuary:

  • It is situated on the Kolleru Lake in the Indian state Andhra Pradesh. It is the home to a vast repertoire of birds. It is especially known for sheltering Pelicans.
  • It spans across two districts namely West Godavari and Krishna. It falls under Kaikalur forest range.
  • The common species that can be found in the sanctuary include Cormorants, Common Redshanks, Pied Avocets, Black-winged Stilts, Red-crested Pochards etc.

Key facts about Kolleru Lake

  • It is the largest freshwater lake in India. It is located in Andhra Pradesh between the Krishna and Godavari deltas and covers an area of 308 km². The lake serves as a natural flood-balancing reservoir for these two rivers.
  • The lake is fed directly by water from the seasonal Budameru and Tammileru streams, and is connected to the Krishna and Godavari systems by over 68 inflowing drains and channels. It serves as a habitat for migratory birds.
  • The lake was notified as a wildlife sanctuary in November 1999 under India’s Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, and designated a wetland of international importance in November 2002 under the international Ramsar Convention.

World Monuments Fund

The Eri (tank) network in the Kazhuveli watershed region is to be proposed for nomination to the World Monuments Fund Watch 2025 programme.

About World Monuments Fund:

  • It is the leading independent organization devoted to safeguarding the world’s most treasured places to enrich people’s lives and build mutual understanding across cultures and communities.
  • Since 1965, it has preserved the world’s diverse cultural heritage using the highest international standards at more than 700 sites in 112 countries.
  • It draws on heritage to address some of today’s most pressing challenges: climate change, underrepresentation, imbalanced tourism, and post-crisis recovery. 
  • Headquarter: New York City
  • In 2015, WMF India became the most recent entry to the World Monuments Fund family of affiliates, established under India’s Companies Act, following the country’s policy to include heritage conservation in corporate social responsibility programs

What is the World Monuments Watch?

  • It is a nomination-based program that connects local heritage preservation to global awareness and action.
  • Every two years, the Watch rallies support to places in need and the people who care for them, spotlighting new challenges.
  • At its core, the Watch’s call to action seeks to empower timely preservation efforts that improve the lives of communities. The 2025 Watch will include 25 places, each telling an urgent local story with global relevance.

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)

Madrigal Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s drug Rezdiffra gained the first US approval to treat a potentially deadly liver disease called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH.

About Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH):

  • It is liver inflammation and damage caused by a buildup of fat in the liver. It is part of a group of conditions called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • NASH can get worse and cause scarring of the liver, which leads to cirrhosis. But the disease doesn’t always get worse.
  • It is similar to the kind of liver disease that is caused by long-term, heavy drinking. But NASH occurs in people who don’t drink alcohol.
  • Symptoms: As NASH progresses and liver damage gets worse, one may start to have symptoms such as:
    • Fatigue (feeling tired all the time).
    • Weight loss for no clear reason.
    • General weakness.
    • An ache in the upper right part of your belly.
  • Causes: Things that put people at risk for NASH and for liver damage include: obesity, Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and high triglycerides, metabolic syndrome etc.
  • Treatment for NASH includes managing conditions that increase your risk for NASH or make it worse. You can:
    • Reduce your total cholesterol level.
    • Reach a healthy weight. Losing 3% to 10% of your total body weight can make a difference.
    • Control diabetes

Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

The Supreme Court recently observed that mere filing of the cheque dishonor complaint under the Negotiable Instruments Act would not grant a right to a complainant to seek interim compensation.

About Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881:

  • It was enacted to provide a uniform legal framework for the use of negotiable instruments in India.
    • negotiable instrument is a piece of paper that guarantees the payment of a certain sum of money, either immediately upon demand or at any predetermined period, and whose payer is typically identified.
    • It is a document that is envisioned by or made up of a contract that guarantees the unconditional payment of money and may be paid now or at a later time. 
  • Section 13 of the Act states that, “A negotiable instrument means a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable either to order or to bearer”.
    • However, no section of this act affects the usage of paper currency, which is governed by the Indian Paper Currency Act of 1871.
  • The Act has been amended several times to ensure that it is in line with changing business practices and legal requirements.
    • It was amended in 1988 and now includes cheque defaulters as well. A person who issues cheques without sufficient balance in their account is considered a ‘defaulter’ and the act of ‘cheque bounce’ is a criminal offence.
    • The 2015 amendment allows filing cheque bounce cases in a court at a place where the cheque was presented for clearance and not the place of issue.
  • Promissory Notes:
    • It is a written promise to pay a specific amount of money to the person named in the document.’
    • It can be transferred by endorsement and delivery.
    • In the case of State Bank of India vs. Gangadhar Ramchandra Panse, the court held that a promissory note must contain an unconditional promise to pay a specific amount of money. If the promise is conditional, the document will not be considered a promissory note.
  • Bills of Exchange:
    • It is a written order by the maker to the payee to pay a certain amount of money to a third party.
    • The person who issues the bill is called the ‘drawer,’ and the person to whom the payment is to be made is called the ‘drawee.’ The person in whose favor the payment is to be made is called the ‘payee.’
    • It can be transferred by endorsement and delivery. In the case of Bank of India vs. O.P. Swarnakar, the court held that a bill of exchange is a negotiable instrument that can be transferred by endorsement and delivery. The transfer of a bill of exchange is valid even if the transferor does not own the instrument at the time of transfer.
  • Cheques:
    • A cheque is a written order by the drawer to the bank to pay a certain amount of money to the payee. The bank is required to pay the amount mentioned in the cheque to the payee or their authorized representative.
    • It can be transferred by endorsement and delivery.
    • In the case of Canara Bank vs. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, the court held that a cheque must be drawn on a specified bank and must not be expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand. The court also held that the bank is under a legal obligation to pay the cheque amount to the payee or their authorized representative, even if the drawer has insufficient funds in their account.

Agreement on Pre-notification of the ‘Flight Testing of Ballistic Missiles’

Pakistan recently urged India to comply with the timeline stipulated in the Agreement on pre-notification of flight testing of ballistic missiles as it took note of the first flight test of India’s indigenously developed Agni-5 missile.

About Agreement on Pre-notification of the ‘Flight Testing of Ballistic Missiles’:

  • It was signed between India and Pakistan on October 3, 2005. According to the pact, both countries are supposed to send each other an ‘advance notification’ of the flight test that they intend to undertake of any land or sea- launched, surface-to-surface ballistic missiles.
  • The notification should be “no less than three days in advance of the commencement of a five-day launch window within which it intends to undertake flight tests of any land or sea-launched, surface-to-surface ballistic missile”.
  • Each country also has to ensure that the test launch sites don’t fall within 40 km and the impact area isn’t within 75 km of the International Boundary or the Line of Control along the side of the country undertaking the test.
  • Each party shall also further ensure that the planned trajectory of the ballistic missile being flight tested shall not cross the International Boundary or the Line of Control between India and Pakistan, and further, it shall maintain a horizontal distance of at least 40 km from the International Boundary and the Line of Control.
  • The parties shall treat the bilateral pre-Notification exchanged under this agreement as confidential, unless otherwise agreed upon. The notification shall be conveyed through the respective Foreign Offices and the High Commissions, as per the format annexed to the agreement.
  • The agreement states that pre-notification applies only to tests conducted with surface-to-surface ballistic missiles launched from land or sea. The agreement does not apply to cruise missiles. It also does not apply to surface-to-air missiles.
  • party may withdraw from this agreement by giving six months written notice to the other, indicating its intention to abrogate the agreement.

Gulf of Carpentaria

A new tropical cyclone warning has been recently issued for the Gulf of Carpentaria.

About Gulf of Carpentaria:

  • It is a shallow rectangular sea on the northern coast of Australia and an inlet of the eastern Arafura Sea (a Pacific Ocean Sea separating New Guinea and Australia).
  • The gulf covers a continental shelf common to both New Guinea and Australia. A ridge extends across Torres Strait, separating the floor of the gulf from the Coral Sea to the east. 
  • It is a rare modern example of an epicontinental sea(a shallow sea on top of a continent), a feature much more common at earlier times in the Earth’s geologic history.
  • At least 20 rivers empty into the gulf, including the Roper, Wilton, Walker, Calvert, Flinders, McArthur, and Norman Rivers.
  • There are several islands in the gulf, with Groote Eylandt, being the largest. The gulf also contains fringing reefs and coral colonies. 
  • It gained international recognition in the 20th and 21st centuries following the discovery and exploitation of several mineral resources, including manganese and bauxite.

Noctis Volcano

Scientists recently discovered a massive volcano on Mars, temporarily designated ‘Noctis volcano’, with the possible remains of a relict glacier at its base.

About Noctis Volcano:

  • It is a newly-discovered volcano located just south of Mars’ equator, in Eastern Noctis Labyrinthus, west of Valles Marineris, the planet’s vast canyon system.
  • The volcano sits on the eastern edge of a broad regional topographic rise called Tharsis, home to three other well-known giant volcanoes: Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Arsia Mons.
  • The central summit area is marked by several elevated mesas forming an arc, reaching a regional high and sloping downhill away from the summit area.
  • The caldera remnant–the remains of a collapsed volcanic crater once host to a lava lake–can be seen near the centre of the structure. 
  • Lava flows, pyroclastic deposits (made of volcanic particulate materials such as ash, cinders, pumice and tephra), and hydrated mineral deposits occur in several areas within the structure’s perimeter.
  • It was active for a very long time on the Red Planet, and in its southeastern part lies a thin, recent volcanic deposit beneath which glacier ice is likely still present.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy

India unveiled a new electric vehicle policy that would provide foreign EV makers with incentives to enter India’s electric car market.

  • Administered by – Ministry of heavy industries (MHI).
  • Features – Government will lower import taxes on certain electric vehicles for companies that commit minimum investment of Rs 4150 crore ($500 million).
  • There is no upper threshold for investments from EV manufacturers.
  • Time Line – For vehicles with a minimum CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) value of $35,000, a 15% customs duty will be levied for a duration of 5 years.
  • This is subject to the manufacturer setting up manufacturing facilities in India within a 3-year period.
  • Additionally, a maximum of 40,000 EVs, at a rate not exceeding 8,000 per year, will be allowed if the investment surpasses $800 million.
  • DVA – They must achieve a domestic value addition (DVA) of at least 50% within five years.
    • Domestic Value Addition (DVA) refers to the percentage of localized components used in manufacturing.
  • A localization level of 25% by the 3rd year and 50% by the 5th year is mandated.
  • In case of non-achievement of DVA and minimum investment criteria defined under the scheme guidelines, the bank guarantee will be invoked.

India imposes import taxes ranging from 70% to 100% on imported cars, depending on their value.

  • Back up – The scheme requires companies to back their investment commitments with a bank guarantee, which will be enforced in case of non-compliance with DVA and minimum investment criteria.
  • OEMs – The scheme will not be applicable to existing Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or European OEMs, unless they make a fresh investment of at least $500 million in the next three years.
  • Detailed guidelines for the scheme are yet to be released.
  • The company applying to be eligible under the scheme will also have to meet a minimum global turnover requirement.
Electric Vehicle (EV)
  • Power Source – Solely powered by electricity from battery.
  • Energy Source – Electricity stored in batteries.
  • Key features
    • Fuel Efficiency – Driven for longer distances on single charge.
    • Emissions – Produce zero tailpipe emissions and are considered one of the cleanest forms of transportation.
    • Recharge – Must be plugged in for recharging.
    • Maintenance – Have fewer moving parts and generally require less maintenance.
    • Cost – It is decreasing as technology improves and production increases.

Ratan Tata Awarded PV Narasimha Rao Memorial Award for Philanthropy Work

Ratan Tata, former chairman of Tata Sons, has been bestowed with the prestigious PV Narasimha Rao Memorial Award. He received the award for his outstanding philanthropic contributions. The award ceremony took place in Mumbai on March 15, 2024.

Recognition for Philanthropy

  • Ratan Tata has been recognized for his remarkable and relentless efforts in the field of philanthropy.
  • His contributions have positively impacted numerous communities across the country.

About the Award

  • The PV Narasimha Rao Memorial Award is named after the former Prime Minister of India.
  • It is an award of recognition for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to social welfare and humanitarian causes.

Tata’s Philanthropic Work

  • Ratan Tata has donated more than half of his income to charity, both at an individual level and through Tata Trusts.
  • His philanthropic initiatives have spanned a wide range of areas, including healthcare, education, rural development, and environmental sustainability.
  • Tata’s philanthropic endeavors have earned him widespread admiration and respect both nationally and internationally.

Other Honors and Awards

  • Ratan Tata has also received two of the highest civilian awards of India: 
    • Padma Vibhushan (2008)
    • Padma Bhushan (2000)
  • These awards recognize his immeasurable contributions towards nation-building.

Bharat Ratna for PV Narasimha Rao

  • On February 9, 2024, the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna, was posthumously conferred upon former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao.

The PV Narasimha Rao Memorial Award recognizes Ratan Tata’s dedication to philanthropic causes and his efforts to create a positive impact on society through his charitable initiatives.

Other Important Topics

JanSamarth Portal
Department of Fisheries recently inaugurates the integration of the Kisan Credit Card Fisheries scheme onto the JanSamarth Portal.

  • Jan Samarth is a unique digital portal linking 15 credit linked government schemes with 7 loan categories on a single platform
  • It aims to ease of access to all the beneficiaries and related stakeholders.
SIMA (Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent)
  • Google DeepMind recently revealed its latest AI gaming agent Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent (SIMA) to perform tasks across video game environments.
Gulf of Tonkin
  • The Gulf of Tonkin is a crescent-shaped body of water in the northwestern part of the South China Sea.
  • The gulf is bordered by Vietnam in the west and northwest and by China in the north and Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island in the east.
  • Many rivers empty into the Gulf of Tonkin, with the Red River (Yuan River in Chinese) supplying the major riverine discharge.
  • Hainan Strait separates the principal shipping route between Hainan Island and China’s Leizhou Peninsula.
Nausena Bhawan
  • Nausena Bhawan, the headquarters of Indian Navy, located at Delhi Cantonment was formally inaugurated by Union Defence Minister.
Fair share for health and care
  • Fair share for health and care is a new report by the World Health Organization, addressed the gender gap in global healthcare.


  • Women comprises 67% of the global health and social care workforce but facing an average pay gap of 24% compared to men.
  • Globally, 90% of women’s earnings were directed towards their families’ well-being, compared to only 30–40% of men’s earnings.
  • Women made up 25% to 60% of doctors, but between 30% and 100% of nursing staff across 35 countries.
  • Unpaid health work adds value to health contributions, and 76% of unpaid care activities are performed by women.
  • In India, women spent around 73% of their total daily working time on unpaid work, compared to men who spent around only 11% of their daily working time on unpaid work.
AVGC-XR policy
Kerala’s cabinet has approved a new Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, Comics and Extended Reality (AVGC-XR) sector policy.

  • The policy aims at driving the inception and expansion of 250 such companies and creation of 50,000 new jobs in the sector by 2029.
  • Through this, the State also expects to account for 10% of India’s export revenues in the AVGC-XR industry.
Bannerghatta Biological Park
The water crisis in Bengaluru is unlikely to have an impact on the Bannerghatta Biological Park (BBP), which is located in the outskirts of the city.

  • Bannerghatta Biological Park is a sanctuary located in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
  • It is established in 1971 and declared as a biological reserve in 2002.
  • It is the 1st  biological park in India to have a fenced forested elephant sanctuary.
  • In 2006, India’s first butterfly enclosure was inaugurated at the park.
  • The Suvarnamukhi stream runs through the national park.
Mathikettan Shola National Park
  • Mathikettan Shola National Park is a national park in Kerala established in 2003.
  • It shares an interstate boundary with Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
  • It is originally a part of the Cardamom Hill Reserve (CHR), serve as perennial water sources for several tributaries of the Panniyar river.
  • Mathikettan Shola National Park is known for its pristine shola forests, unique montane evergreen forests found in the Western Ghats.
Bharat Pashudhan
  • Bharat Pashudhan is a digital database for livestock animals in India, part of India’s Digital Public Infrastructure.
  • The app allows users to register the births and deaths of animals, and to create animal identification using the unique ID number or Pashu Aadhaar.
  • Pashupalak App empowers the farmers to be able to access all free and paid livestock related schemes/services.


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