Chapter 24 : Revolt of 1857

Chapter 24 : Revolt of 1857


  • The Revolt Of 1857 was a major uprising in India between 1857–58 against the unjust rule of the British East India Company. The revolt served as the British Crown’s sovereign power. The revolt of 1857 started on May 10, 1857, at Meerut as a sepoy mutiny. Sepoys initiated it in the Bengal Presidency against British officers. The British East India Company’s rule came to an end as a result of this Independence struggle. This revolt was, however, largely confined to parts of Northern and Central India. The revolt of 1857 was the result of discontent among the people due to the expansionist policies, administrative innovations, and economic exploitations of the British East India Company in India.

Immediate Cause of Revolt of 1857

  • The immediate cause for the Revolt of 1857 was when the ‘Enfield’ rifle was introduced. This infuriated soldiers
  • Before this, soldiers had to carry gunpowder & bullets along with their rifles. As there was a rumor that aroused that the cartridge was greased with pig & cow fat.
  • As the pig is taboo in Muslims & the cow is sacred in the Hindu religion, soldiers refused to use the cartridge.
  • Company officers became aware of the rumors through reports of an altercation between a high-caste sepoy and a low-caste laborer.
  • There were also rumors that the British sought to destroy the religions of the Indian people and force the soldiers to break their religious beliefs. However, this was not the only reason, as multiple other causes, i.e., Religious, Political, Economic, and Social Causes, contributed to the Revolt of 1857

Causes For The Revolt Of 1857

  • The expansionist and imperialist policies of the British East India Company had negative impacts on all sections of society, including rulers, peasants, and traders. The revolt of 1857 was not solely triggered by one policy or event; instead, it arose from a combination of political, economic, administrative, and socio-religious factors. These causes are discussed briefly below: 

Economic Causes

  • The peasants suffered under the land revenue policies of the British East India Company. It is facing heavy taxes and resorting to loans with high-interest rates from moneylenders and traders. 
  • Non-payment resulted in the confiscation of their lands, leaving them without a means of livelihood.
  • With the annexation of Indian states by the British, rulers could no longer support artisans and craftworkers, leading them to a state of misery.
  • The economic policies of the British East India Company had a devastating impact on Indian industries and handicrafts. 
  • They imposed steep tariffs on Indian goods, causing a decline in the export of cotton and silk, which eventually ceased by the mid-nineteenth century.

Administrative Causes

The administration of the British East India Company needed more efficiency and effectiveness. Even though Sir Thomas Munro proposed the employment of Indians, no action was taken by the British in that regard. Corruption was widespread within the company’s administration.

Political Causes of Revolt of 1857

  • In the late 1840s, Lord Dalhousie implemented the Doctrine of Lapse.
  • The Doctrine of Lapse policy, introduced by the British East India Company, denied the adopted children of rulers their right to succession, causing resentment among rulers like Nana Sahib and Rani Lakshmibai.
  • The British also enforced aggressive policies like Subsidiary alliance and effective control, intervening in the internal affairs of states, which further fueled discontent among rulers.
  • Following the death of Mughal ruler Faqir-ud-Din, Lord Canning proclaimed that the succeeding prince must renounce regal titles and ancestral properties of the Mughal empire, which deeply affected the sentiments of Indian Muslims.

Socio-Religious Causes

  • The British introduced socio-religious reforms, including the abolition of the Sati system and encouragement for widow remarriage, but faced significant resistance from a large portion of society. 
  • Sought to modify Hindu customs through the implementation of the Religious Disabilities Act. 
  • The British also criticized idolatrous worship, mocking Hindu deities and opposing superstitious beliefs and practices.

Military Causes

  • Indian sepoys were prohibited from displaying any caste or sectarian symbols. 
  • Resentment grew when Canning’s Government enacted the General Service Enlistment Act, which mandated that future recruits of the Bengal Army must be ready to serve wherever the British Government required. 
  • The Enfield rifle cartridges introduced by the British were greased with beef and pig fat. This deeply offended the religious sentiments of both Hindus and Muslims, known as the immediate military cause of the 1857 revolt.

Course Of Revolt Of 1857 in Chronological Order

The simmering discontent among the Indian sepoys against the British East India Company was further fuelled by the order to use those greased cartridges. Sepoys refused to use the greased cartridges. This was considered insubordination by the British officials, who began to impose harsh punishments for sepoys. Thus began the revolt of 1857.

Let us discuss the course of the revolt of 1857 briefly.



2 February 1857 The 19th Native Infantry at Berhampur who refused to use the Enfield rifle broke out in mutiny. Soon they were disbanded.
8 April 1857 Mangal Pandey, a sepoy of the 34th Native Infantry was executed for firing at the sergeant major and the 34th Native Infantry was disbanded.
10 May 1857 The revolt broke out at Meerut.
11 to 30 May 1857 Bahadur Shah Zafar was proclaimed the Emperor of India. Gradually the revolt broke out in Delhi, Bombay, Aligarh, Ferozepur, Bulandshahr, Etawah, Moradabad, Bareilly, Shahjahanpur and other stations in Uttar Pradesh.
June 1857 Outbreaks at Gwalior, Jhansi, Allahabad, Faizabad, Lucknow, Bharatpur etc.
July & August 1857 Mutinies at places like Indore, Mhow, Nerbudda districts and a few places in Punjab.
September 1857  Delhi was recaptured by the British East India Company.
November 1857 General Windham was defeated by the rebels outside Kanpur.
December 1857 The Battle of Kanpur was won by Sir Colin Campbell.
March 1857 Lucknow was recaptured by the British.
April 1857 Jhansi was captured by the British by fighting against Rani Laxmibai.
May 1857 Bareilly, Kalpi and Jagdishpur were recaptured by the British.
July to December 1857 Gradually the British authority was re-established in India.

Centres And Suppression Of Revolt Of 1857

In the following table, the storm centres of the revolt of 1857, the leaders who led the revolt at those centres and the British generals who suppressed the revolt are listed.

Centres Of Revolt Leaders Who Led The Revolt British Generals Who Suppressed The Revolt
Delhi General Bakht Khan , Bahadur Shah II Lieutenant Willoughby, John Nicholson and Lieutenant Hudson.
Kanpur Nana Saheb , Rao Sahib, Tantia Tope, Azimullah Khan Sir Hugh Wheeler and Sir Colin Campbell.
Lucknow Begum Hazrat Mahal , Birjis Qadir, Ahmadullah Henry Lawrence, Brigadier Inglis, Henry Havelock, James Outram and Sir Colin Campbell.
Bareilly Khan Bahadur James Outram
Bihar Kunwar Singh , Amar Singh Sir Colin Campbell
Faizabad Maulvi Ahmadullah Sir Colin Campbell
Jhansi Rani Laxmibai Sir Hugh Rose

Reasons For Failure Of Revolt Of 1857

The causes for the failure of the revolt of 1857 are listed below.

  • Lack of coordination and unified leadership among the rebel forces.
  • Superior military strength and resources of the British East India Company.
  • Divide among different groups involved in the revolt, including regional, religious, and social divisions.
  • Inadequate communication and slow dissemination of information among rebel forces.
  • Lack of widespread support from Indian rulers and nobility.
  • Strategic mistakes made by rebel leaders, such as poor planning and execution of military campaigns.
  • Limited access to modern weaponry and military training for the rebel forces.
  • British ability to exploit internal conflicts and rivalries within the rebel groups.
  • British success in winning over or neutralizing key sections of Indian society, including some princely states.
  • Reinstatement of British control and reinforcement of colonial rule after the suppression of the revolt

Impact Of Revolt Of 1857

The result of revolt of 1857 is listed below.

  • Under the Government of India Act of 1858, dualism (Crown and Company) in the control of Indian affairs came to an end, and the administrative control over India was transferred from the British East India Company to the Crown.British officials were appointed to hold key positions in military and civil administration.Since the Indian army was the backbone of the mutiny, the British reorganized them based on the policy of divide and counterpoise. The strength of British troops in India increased greatly, whereas the number of Indian troops was reduced.
    Britishers deliberately began to pursue the divide-and-rule policy in order to strengthen their position in India.
  • The Queen’s proclamation declared that the rights, dignity and honour of the native princes would be respected as their own by the British. In addition, Indians were promised that they would be admitted to the office of British service without any partiality, provided they met the desired qualification. In order to implement this, the Indian Civil Service Act of 1861 was passed. However, the higher posts were held only by English officials.


  • The Revolt of 1857, an anti-colonial movement which fought against the imperialist policies of the British East India Company, is an important event that took place in Indian history. Though the revolt was suppressed later, it shook the foundation of British rule in India. With the end of the revolt of 1857, the era of territorial aggrandizement also ended. However, it paved the way for India’s economic exploitation era.