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Editorials & Articles : 10 May 2024

Editorials & Articles : 10 May 2024 Cancer Screening at Ayushman Centres Why in news? In June 2023, the NITI Aayog had prepared a report to study the performance of…

Editorials & Articles Analysis – 15th Feb 2024

Editorials & Articles Analysis – 15th Feb 2024 A demand that could hamper gender equality   Context This article discusses the complexities surrounding the Sabrimala temple issue, questions the efficacy…

Planets of the Solar System & Other Solar System Objects

Planets A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star is known as a planet. The planets of our solar system are divisible in two groups: the planets of…

Sun’s Internal Structure & Atmosphere

Components of the Solar System Our solar system consists of the sun, eight major planets, dwarf planets (Pluto, Ceres, Eris etc.), satellites and countless minor planets, asteroids, meteors, comets and…

Solar System Formation: Nuclear Disc Model (neo-Laplacian model)

Formation of the Solar System: Nuclear Disc Model (neo-Laplacian model) Nebular Theory of Laplace (1796) tried to explain the formation of the solar system. But it had many drawbacks as…

Star Formation (Life Cycle Of A Star)

Star Formation Outlined below are the many steps involved in a star’s evolution, from its formation in a nebula, to its death as a white dwarf or a neutron star. Nebula: a star’s birthplace.…

Headline of the Day – 1st May 2023

Headline of the Day – 1st May 2023 The Hindu Subject Pg No Headlines Relevance for Prelims and Mains   GS 1   4 Copper plates bring into focus Shilabhattarika  and…



ULFNAT TEST – 1 Instructions Step – 1  – Click on Start Quiz Button Step 2 –  Click on Translate Now button and Read Test Questions in any languages Step…


Universe Cosmos : another word for the universe Cosmic: relating to the universe or cosmos. Cosmic rays: highly energetic atomic nucleus or other particle travelling through space at speed approaching that of light.…

The Hindu Vocabulary – 6th Feb 2023

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |06.02.2023 1. MANIFOLD (ADJECTIVE): (अनेक): many  Synonyms: numerous, multiple  Antonyms: single  Example Sentence: The implications of the decision were manifold.  2. DISPUTE (NOUN): (विवाद): debate  Synonyms: discussion, disputation  Antonyms: agreement  Example Sentence:A…

The Hindu Vocabulary – 5th Feb 2023

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |05.02.2023 1. EFFICACY (NOUN): (प्रभावकारिता): effectiveness  Synonyms: success, potency  Antonyms: inefficacy  Example Sentence:  There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment.  2. EVADE (VERB): (बचना): elude  Synonyms: avoid, dodge …

The Hindu Vocabulary – 4th Feb 2023

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |04.02.2023 1. FARCE (NOUN): (प्रहसन): absurdity  Synonyms: mockery, travesty  Antonyms: respect, praise  Example Sentence: The debate turned into a drunken farce.  2. INVEIGLING (ADJECTIVE): Alluring  Synonyms: attracting, captivating  Antonyms: repulsive, repellent  Example…

Courage To Dream (My UPSC Success Story Can Be Yours Too)

About Book  Courage to Dream’ is not just a proud saga of passing the Civil Services Examination, it is a salute to the perseverance that makes man the best creature…

The Hindu Vocabulary – 3rd Feb 2023

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |03.02.2023 1. PLURALITY (NOUN): (अधिकता): multiplicity  Synonyms: majority, majority  Antonyms: minority, the smaller number or part  Example Sentence: Some languages add an extra syllable to mark plurality.  2. COUNTERPRODUCTIVE…

The Hindu Vocabulary – 2nd Feb 2023

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |02.02.2023 1. CARPING (ADJECTIVE): (अवगुण ढूंढ़नेवाला): find fault  Synonyms: complaining, bellyaching  Antonyms: complimentary, forgiving  Example sentence: They deserve recognition, not carping criticism.  2. CASTIGATE (VERB): (सज़ा देना): to punish  Synonyms: berate,…

The Hindu Vocabulary – 1st Feb 2023

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary |1.02.2023 1. CONCEDE (VERB): (स्वीकार करना) accept  Synonyms: cede, admit  Antonyms: deny, refuse  Example Sentence: I had to concede that I’d overreacted.  2. ENCROACH (VERB): (अधिक्रमण करना) violate  Synonyms: trespass, infringins Antonyms: shun, abide …

Losar Festival

Losar festival of Ladakh is a religious festival. It is predominantly celebrated by the Tibetan Buddhists. It is celebrated for 15 days. It starts on Tibetan New Year. They follow…

Gist of Yojana Magazine :- January 2022

Chapter 1 :-  India as a Space Power (भारत एक अंतरिक्ष शक्ति के रूप में) Introduction: परिचय: ◆ Space and satellites are becoming increasingly important. With a large number of…

30th June 2022 – The Hindu Newspaper Analysis

Page 1: Govt. hikes GST for household items  Tax hikes will kick in for over two dozen goods and services,  ranging from unbranded food items, curd and buttermilk to low…

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