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  • Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Emperor Penguin

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Four new emperor penguin colonies have been identified in Antarctica from satellite imagery recently.

About Emperor Penguin:

  • It is the largest of all the different kinds of penguin species.
  • Scientific Name: Aptenodytes forsteri
  • Distribution:
    • They are found throughout the Antarctic continent and sub-Antarctic islands.
    • In breeding months (April to November), emperor penguin colonies are found between 66° and 78° south latitude along the Antarctic coastline.
  • Habitat: It is the most ice-adapted of any penguin species, inhabiting pack ice and surrounding marine areas. They spend their entire lives on Antarctic ice and in its waters.
  • Features:
    • Adults are coloured black and white with areas of orange and yellow on the head, neck, and breast. 
    • They are approximately 120 cm tall and weigh around 40 kg.
    • They have wingspans ranging from 76 to 89 cm.
    • They gain and lose weight rapidly during breeding and feeding seasons. On average, females tend to weigh less than males.
    • They have two layers of feathers, a good reserve of fat, and proportionally smaller beaks and flippers than other penguins to prevent heat loss.
    • They also huddle close together in large groups to keep themselves and each other warm.
    • They are capable of diving to depths of approximately 550 metres (1,800 feet) in search of food; they are the world’s deepest-diving birds.
    • They breed in the winter. 
    • Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN Red List: Near Threatened

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