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Current Affairs – 24 May 2024


May 24, 2024
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Current Affairs – 24 May 2024


Recently, the GSAP SKILLS Platform was launched at the Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Convention on Biological Diversity.

  • GSAP SKILLS Platform:
    • Brings Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) content online.
    • Facilitates real-time updates of technical tools and resources.
    • Aims to promote global collaboration and partnership.
    • Connects decision-makers, species conservation practitioners, and experts at all levels.
    • Provides real-time updates on tools and resources, ensuring accessibility and relevance.
    • Each Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) target includes:
      • A brief summary.
      • Rationale for species conservation interventions.
      • Actions and sub-actions.
      • Actors involved.
      • Technical tools and resources for those actions.
    • Managed by IUCN to meet the needs of governments and stakeholders for species conservation.
    • Supported primarily by the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea.
    • Additional support from the Tech4Nature Initiative by IUCN and Huawei (launched in 2020).
  • Global Species Action Plan (GSAP):
    • Developed to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).
    • Addresses increasing biodiversity loss worldwide.
    • Outlines strategic interventions and actions for species conservation and sustainable management.
    • Ensures equitable benefits from conservation efforts.

Project Udbhav

The Indian Army, under its initiative Project Udbhav, is delving into the epic battles of the Mahabharata and the strategic brilliance of past Indian dynasties, shaping India’s rich military heritage.

  • Project Udbhav:
    • A collaboration between the Indian Army and the United Service Institution of India (USI), a defence services think tank.
    • The name ‘Udbhav’ translates to ‘origin’ or ‘genesis’, signifying the deep knowledge in India’s historical texts.
    • Aims to combine ancient insights with modern military practices for a comprehensive approach to current security challenges.
    • Objective:
      • Bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and contemporary military education.
    • Significance:
      • Draws from India’s 5000-year-old civilizational legacy, rich in intellectual texts and manuscripts.
      • Facilitates understanding of ancient systems and their relevance in the modern era.
    • Inspirational Literature:
      • Chanakya’s Arthashastra:
        • Emphasizes strategic partnerships, alliances, and diplomacy.
        • Aligns with modern practices like international cooperation and soft power projection.
        • Chanakya’s teachings on statecraft and warfare are studied globally.
      • Thirukkural by Thiruvalluvar:
        • Advocates ethical conduct in all endeavors, including warfare.
        • Aligns with modern military ethics, just war principles, and the Geneva Convention.

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