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Jupiter Becomes the Planet with Most Moons

Astronomers recently discovered 12 new moons around Jupiter, increasing the total number of moons it has to 92 – the largest number any planet on our solar system has (Saturn has 83 moons). About …

SpaceX Starship

The chief of SpaceX recently said that SpaceX may attempt a Starship rocket system launch in March. About SpaceX Starship: Starship is a super-heavy-lift rocket and spacecraft built to carry immense cargo…

Wolf 1069 b

Astronomers have recently discovered Wolf 1069 b, an Earth-mass exoplanet that could potentially be habitable. About Wolf 1069 b: It is a potentially habitable exoplanet 31 light-years away from Earth.  It orbits…

North Star

Recently, the Vice President of India said Parliament is the “North Star” of democracy About North Star: The North Star is also known as Pole Star. It is a very bright…

Hubble Space Telescope

Recently, astronomers used NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope to directly measure the mass of a single, isolated white dwarf star.   Why in news? The Hubble Space Telescope measured the mass of a white…

Medium-density amorphous ice

Recently, scientists have fashioned a previously unknown form of ice – one that might exist on our solar system’s icy moons.   About Medium-density amorphous ice: The researchers employed a process…


As per a new study, researchers are examining the fortress wall of Xi’an, an ancient city in China, by using tiny outer space particles called muons that can penetrate hundreds…

Old coronavirus variants found in Deer

According to new research, Delta became the dominant variant in humans, Alpha and Gamma continued to circulate in white-tailed deer. About the study: The findings, which are based on samples collected through December 2021,…

Juno Probe

Recently, NASA’s Juno spacecraft experienced a glitch that caused it to lose over 200 images taken during a Jupiter flyby. About the Juno Probe: JUNO is an acronym for Jupiter Near-polar…


Recently, a mother in Brazil gave birth to a two-foot-tall baby weighing 16lb (7.3kg). About Macrosomia: The term used to describe giant babies is macrosomia (Greek for the large body). Any baby…


Recently, a Caesium-137 capsule lost in transit was discovered in Western Australia using specialised detection equipment that detected radiation. What is Caesium? Caesium is a soft, flexible, silvery-white metal. It…

FAIRY Robots

Tampere University researchers recently developed a Dandelion seed-inspired flying robot that could potentially replace pollinators. About FAIRY Robots: The FAIRY robot, which is based on the Light Responsive Materials Assembly,…

Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies – iCET

National Security Advisor of India and his American counterpart to launch the US-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET). The US-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) is a…

NASA’s Perseverance Rover

NASA’s Perseverance rover recently completed the first “sample depot on another world” by dropping the tenth and final sample tube. Why in News: The tube will be part of a…

Turnersuchus hingleyae

Palaeontologists have recently discovered fossils of the ancient ‘marine crocodile Turnersuchus hingleyae. About Turnersuchus hingleyae The fossils uncovered on the Jurassic Coast in the United Kingdom include part of the head, backbone,…

Spider Star System

Scientists at NASA have recently detected the first gamma-ray eclipses from a “spider” star system. About Spider Star System: It is a binary star system in which a superdense star (pulsar) spins quickly,…

Quantum dot spin qubits.

An international team of scientists recently made a breakthrough in retaining the quantum coherence of quantum dot spin qubits. About Quantum coherence: It deals with the idea that all objects have…

Lumpy Skin Disease

Why in News? Recently, the Punjab State government has airlifted 25 lakh doses of goat pox vaccine to carry out a free vaccination campaign for early prevention of cattle from lumpy skin disease. Lumpy Skin…

Grievance Appelate Committee

Recently, The Grievance Appellate Committees (GACs) were set up by the central government to look into user complaints against large social media companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. About Grievance…

National Technical Textiles Mission

Recently, The Union Minister of Textiles cleared 15 R&D projects across key strategic areas such as Speciality fibre, Protective textiles, High-Performance Textiles , Medical Textiles etc under the National Technical…

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