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Indian Polity & Governance

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Chapter 16 : Chief Minister & State Council of Ministers

Chapter 16 : Chief Minister & State Council of Ministers CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS The position of the Chief Minister at the state level is analogous to the position of PRIME MINISTER at the Centre. 163 – Council…

Chapter 15 : Governor

Chapter 15 : Governor INTRODUCTION The Constitution of India envisages the same pattern of government in the states as that for the Centre, that is, a Parliamentary system. Governor is the Constitutional head of…

Chapter 14 : Parliament

Chapter 14 : Parliament Introduction “In a parliamentary democracy, the legislature, as a body representing the wishes of the people, occupies a high position of power and responsibility. Here lies…

Chapter 13 : Prime Minister of India & Councils of Minister

Chapter 13 : Prime Minister of India & Councils of Minister Introduction Prime Minister of India is the head of the government of India. Article 75 says that the Prime Minister shall be…

Chapter 12 : Vice President of India

Chapter 12 : Vice President of India Introduction The role of the Vice-President of India, the second-highest office in the nation, is heavily influenced by the American Vice-Presidential model. The…

Chapter 11 : President of India

Chapter 11 : President of India Introduction –  The President of India is the nominal head of the executives in India and is the first Citizen of the country. As per Article…

Chapter 10 : Centre State Relations

Introduction The federal system of the Indian Constitution divides all authorities (legislative, executive, and financial) between the Centre and the states. There is no separation of judicial power, however, because…

Chapter 9 : Fundamental Duties

Introduction Article 51(A) of the Indian Constitution describes 11 fundamental duties, 10 of which were added by virtue of the 42nd Constitution Amendment Act in 1976 on the recommendation of…

Chapter 8 : Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP)

Introduction Articles 36-51 under Part-IV of the Indian Constitution deal with Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP). Directive Principles of State Policy are in the form of instructions/guidelines to the…

Chapter 7 : Fundamental Rights

  Introduction The Fundamental Rights are enshrined in Part III of the Constitution (Articles 12-35) Part III of the Constitution is described as the Magna Carta of India. ‘Magna Carta’, the Charter…

Chapter 6 : Citizenship

Introduction Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under law as being a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a nation. In India, Articles 5 –…

Chapter 5 :- Union & its Territories

Article 1 of the constitution describes India, i.e. Bharat as a ‘ Union of States ‘. At present we have 28 States and 8 Union Territories (UTs). PARLIAMENT can divide…

Chapter 4 :- Preamble of the Indian Constitution

What is a Preamble ? A preamble is an introductory statement in a document that explains the document’s philosophy and objectives. In a Constitution, it presents the intention of its…

Chapter 3 : Salient Features of Indian Constitution

Introduction The Constitution of India begins with a Preamble. The Preamble contains the ideals, objectives and basic principles of the Constitution. The salient features of the Constitution have evolved directly…

Chapter 2 : Making of the Indian Constitution

Demand for a Constituent Assembly  It was in 1934 that the idea of a Constituent Assembly for India was put forward for the first time by M.N. Roy, a pioneer…

Chapter 1 : Historical Background

Introduction – The British came to India in 1600 as traders, in the form of East India Company, which had the exclusive right of trading in India under a charter…

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