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Bloatware Apps


Jan 18, 2023
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About :

  • Also known as Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), bloatware apps are needless programs that take a toll on your device’s performance.
  • Bloatware apps are being criticized for taking up the storage of the device unnecessarily and affecting the system’s battery life and overall performance.
  • Generally, these apps that run in the background are hidden and locating them becomes a tough job for the users.
  • It could be any software on your computer, phone or tablet that consumes a lot of resources like — memory, storage and battery life.
  • These types of bloatwares come from manufacturers and third-party developers and are usually pre-loaded on your device.
  • Users can experience the app as most of them offer free trial modes in new devices.
  • However, these programs keep on consuming your device’s resources, even after the trial period is over.
  • These types of bloatware typically gets downloaded while downloading softwares from the internet.

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