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AT1 Bonds


Jan 28, 2023
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The Bombay High Court Friday quashed the write-off of Additional Tier-1 (AT1) bonds issued by Yes Bank Ltd.

  • AT1 bonds, short for Additional Tier 1 bonds, are a class of bonds issued by banks.
  • These bonds are typically used by banks to bolster their core or tier-1 capital to meet Basel III norms.
  • AT1 bonds are subordinate to all other debt and except common equity.
  • They offer higher returns but also carry a higher risk.
  • Tenor – AT1 bonds are unsecured bonds that have perpetual tenor.
  • These bonds have no maturity date but have a call option by which the banks buy these bonds back from investors.
  • Risks – AT1 bonds, like other bonds, pay regular interest.
  • If the bank issuing is making losses or at risk of falling short of capital need, it has the discretion to either reduce or completely skip their interest pay out.
  • When a bank becomes non-viable, AT-1 bonds are either converted into equity or written off based on the direction of the RBI.

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