Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission

The Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission unanimously elected India as chair of the Standing Committee on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for the biennium 2023-24 during the 32nd Session held in Bangkok.

About Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission:

  • It is an intergovernmental organization that promotes cooperation among countries in the Asia-Pacific region to enhance plant health and plant protection.
  • It was established in 1956 as a regional body approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
  • Member Countries: The commission consists of 25 member countries, including India.
  • Structure of the organization:
    • The Commission consists of representatives of all member countries and elects amongst them a Chairperson who serves for a period of two years.
    • The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization appoints and provides the secretariat that coordinates, organizes and follows up the work of the Commission.
    • The Commission, according to its provisions convenes at least once every two years and opens for participation to all member countries.
  • Objectives: The commission coordinates and supports plant protection activities of its Members in Asia and the Pacific, with emphasis on developing regional standards for phytosanitary measures (RSPMs) etc.