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Agni-1 ballistic Missile


Jun 2, 2023 #Defence
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A successful training launch of a Medium-Range Ballistic Missile, Agni-1 was carried out by the Strategic Forces Command from APJ Abdul Kalam Island, Odisha recently.

Agni-1 ballistic missile

  • The word “Agni” means fire.
  • The medium-range Agni-1 ballistic missile has a strike range of over 700 kilometres and weighs around 12,000 kilograms.
  • It is also capable of carrying a payload of up to 1,000 kg.
  • It is a two-stage Agni technology demonstrator, with a solid-fuel first stage

What is a ballistic missile?

  • A ballistic missile uses projectile motion to deliver warheads on a target.
  • These weapons are powered only during relatively brief periods—most of the flight is unpowered.
  • Short-range ballistic missiles stay within the Earth’s atmosphere, while intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) are launched on a sub-orbital flight.

The Agni Missile system:

  • The Agni missile is a family of medium to intercontinental range ballistic missiles.
  • Agni missiles are long rangenuclear weapons capable, surface to surface ballistic missiles.
  • The first missile of the series, Agni-I was developed under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (lGMDP) and tested in 1989.

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