Bubble Baby Syndrome

A two-month-old girl with bubble baby syndrome underwent bone marrow transplant (BMT) in Mumbai recently.

About Bubble Baby Syndrome

  • ‘Bubble baby syndrome,’ known medically as Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) is very rare genetic disorder that causes life-threatening problems with the immune system.
  • It is a type of primary immune deficiency.
  • The disease is known as “living in the bubble” syndrome because living in a normal environment can be fatal to a child who has it. 
  • What happens in SCID?
    • In a developing baby, the immune system starts in the bone marrow. Stem cells can become any of three different types of blood cells.
      • red blood cells
      • white blood cells
      • platelets
    • White blood cells (WBCs) protect the body from infections and foreign invaders. There are different kinds of WBCs, including lymphocytes.
    • Lymphocytes come in two main types: B-cells and T-cells. These cells are key to fighting infections.
      • T cells identify, attack, and kill “invaders.”
      • B cells make antibodies that “remember” an infection and are ready in case the body is exposed to it again.
    • SCID is a “combined” immunodeficiency because it affects both of these infection-fighting white blood cells.
    • In SCID, the child’s body has too few lymphocytes or lymphocytes that don’t work properly.
    • Because the immune system doesn’t work as it should, it can be difficult or impossible for it to battle the germs—viruses, bacteria, and fungi—that cause infections.
  • Causes:
    • Inherited mutations in more than a different genes cause SCID.
    • This means one or both birth parents pass down the disease to their child.
  • Symptoms: Babies with SCID may appear healthy at birth, but problems can start soon after, such as:
    • failure to thrive
    • chronic diarrhea
    • frequent, often serious respiratory infections
    • oral thrush (a type of yeast infection in the mouth)
    • other bacterial, viral, or fungal infections that can be serious and hard to treat.
  • Treatment:
    • SCID is a pediatric emergency. Without treatment, babies are not likely to survive past their first birthday.
    • The most common treatment is a stem cell transplant (also called a bone marrow transplant). This means the child receives stem cells from a donor. The hope is that these new cells will rebuild the child’s immune system.

All-Girls Sainik School

Defence Minister recently inaugurated the Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School, the 1st all-girls Sainik School, at Vrindavan in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh.

  • Sainik Schools are residential schools that provide public school education with a military bias.
  • They are affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and are supported by Central and State funding.



  • The Ministry of Home Affairs  declared Tehreek-e-Hurriyatn as  an ‘Unlawful Association’ under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) 1967.
Recent Bans under UAPA by MHA in 2023

  • Terrorist Organizations: Khalistan Tiger Force and Jammu and Kashmir Ghaznavi Force (JKGF)
  • Individual as ‘Terrorist’: Harwinder Singh Sandhu@Rinda
  • Unlawful Association: seven “Meitei Extremist Organisations” and their affiliates.
  • Muslim League Jammu Kashmir (Masarat Alam faction)’/MLJK-MA

More on News: 

MHA Declares Jammu and Kashmir-based Tehreek-e-Hurriyatn is declared an unlawful association under provisions of  Section 3(1) of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) 1967 for 5 years.

Charges:  The group is engaged in activities aimed at separating Jammu & Kashmir from India and establishing Islamic rule

It has been accused of spreading anti-India messages and continuing terrorist actions to promote secessionism in J&K.

About Tehreek-e-Hurriyat:

  • It is a separatist political party in Jammu and Kashmir, India founded by Syed Ali Shah Geelani.
  • About UAPA Act 1967:
  • The UAPA  is an anti-terrorism law first passed in 1967, aimed at protecting the sovereignty and integrity of a nation by preventing activities that threaten it. 
  • Objective: It provides more effective prevention of certain unlawful activities of individuals and associations and dealing with terrorist activities and other connected matters.
  • Designation as a  terrorist organization:
  • Commits or participates in acts of terrorism,
  • Promotes terrorism
  • Prepares for terrorism
  • Is otherwise involved in terrorism.
  • The Bill also empowers the government to designate individuals as terrorists on the same grounds. 

Punishments: The highest punishment is the death penalty and life imprisonment.

Coverage: Offense and offender can be both Indian and foreign nationals.  The offense committed on foreign land can also attract UAPA provisions.

Investigation: To be conducted by officers of the rank of Deputy Superintendent or Assistant Commissioner of Police or above.  Officers of the NIA, of the rank of Inspector or above, are empowered to investigate cases under UAPA (National Investigation Agency (NIA) functions as the Central Counter-Terrorism Law Enforcement Agency in India)

Seizure of property: Prior approval of the Director General of Police/ NIA needs to be taken by the investigating officer to seize properties that may be connected with terrorism.

X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPOSAT)

ISRO’s XPoSat was successfully launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

  • About- India’s inaugural scientific satellite to measure space-based polarization of X-ray emissions from celestial sources such as black holes and neutron stars in the medium energy band (8-30 keV).
  • Orbit location – Low earth orbit (650 km), low inclination of 6 degree)
  • Launch vehicle – PSLV C58
  • Mission life – 5 years
  • Payloads – The satellite carries 2 payloads.
Payloads Usage Developed by
POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in X-rays) An advanced X-ray camera that captures image and measures unique X-ray vibrations Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru
XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing) A scientific detective, examining the colours and timing of X-rays UR Rao Satellite Centre’s (URSC’s) Space Astronomy Group, Bengaluru

XPoSAT is the 2nd spacecraft in the world which will study celestial bodies using polarimetric techniques, after NASA’s Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE).

PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM)

  • The fourth stage of PSLV (PS4), also called the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM) will perform orbital experiments.
    • Since this is the 3rd time ISRO has used PS4 to exhibit orbital experiments, XPoSAT’s PS4 is called POEM-3.
  • The spent PS4 stage will be used to conduct in-orbit scientific experiments in microgravity conditions for an extended duration of 4-6 months.
  • It derives power from the solar panels mounted around the PS4 tank and a Lithium-ion battery.
  • POEM-3 is equipped with 10 payloads.

Project Kusha

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is working on the Project Kusha to operationally deploy its own long-range air defense system by 2028-29.

  • Aim – To develop India’s own Long-Range Surface-to-Air Missiles (LR-SAM)
  • Jointly developed with – Israel Aerospace Industries, Israel’s major aerospace and aviation manufacturers
  • Ranges – Hit hostile targets at 150 km, 250 km, and 350 km ranges.
  • Features – The LR-SAM system will be a mobile platform equipped with long range surveillance and fire control radars.
  • It seeks to establish a formidable 3 layered defense system to detect and destroy incoming stealth fighters, aircraft, drones, cruise missiles and precision-guided munitions.
  • It will be made capable of interacting with an integrated command and control system (IACCS), an automated air defence command and control centre used by the Indian Air Force (IAF).

The ground systems include Igla, OSA-AK-M, Pechora missiles, Spyder quick-reaction missiles, indigenous Akash area defence missiles and the Barak-8 medium-range SAM systems.

Missile defence system Country
S-400 Triumf Russia
Patriot United States
Iron Dome Israel

Headlines of the Day 02-1-2024

What to Read in Today Newspaper

PIB, The Hindu, Indian Express, Mint, AIR

Headline Source Syllabus Key points to know
XPoSat in orbit; to study black holes, neutron stars The Hindu: (Page1)
Indian Express (Page 8)
Space (GSIII) – What is the XPoSat mission?
– Its objectives and significance
Hattees get ST tag The Hindu: (Page3) Polity and Governance (GSII) – Who are Hattees?
– How are Scheduled Tribes declared?
Warli tribe The Hindu: (Page4) Society (GSI) – Who are the Warli tribes?
– Key facts related to them
India-Korea defence cooperation The Hindu: (Page 6) IR (GSII) – What is the strategic importance of South Korea for India?
– What are the key areas of cooperation between the two nations?
Attacks in the Red Sea by the Houthis may hit India’s oil trade The Hindu: (Page 7)
Indian Express (Page 11)
IR (GSII) / Economy (GSIII)  – Why is the Red Sea under attack?
– Its impact for India
India’s 1991 crisis and the RBI Governor’s role The Hindu: (Page 8) Economy (GSIII) – What are the roles and responsibilities of the RBI Governor?
– Role played during India’s 1991 crisis
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– Its workings
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– How radiocarbon dating revolutionised science?
Collegium system Indian Express (Page 9) Polity and Governance (GSII) – What is the Collegium system?
– Its significance, criticism and the forward
Govt extends PLI scheme for auto sector by a year  Indian Express (Page 11) Economy (GSIII)  – What is the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme?
– Its objectives 
Operation Prosperity Guardian Indian Express (Page 12) IR (GSII)  – What is the Operation Prosperity Guardian?
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Electoral Bonds  Air Governance (GSII) – What are the Electoral Bonds?
– Its significance, criticism and the way forward
India and Pak. exchange list of nuclear installations The Hindu: (Page 10) IR (GSII) – Why do India-Pakistan exchange lists of nuclear sites?
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– Its objectives and the Ministry related to it
psychoanalysis  The Hindu: (Page 18) S&T (GSIII) – What is psychoanalysis?
– Its significance
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– Its objectives
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